Butt Lift


Butt lift, also known as gluteoplasty, this surgery lifts and tightens the skin of the buttocks. Excess skin is removed and the surrounding tissue repositioned to create a more youthful and pleasing body contour.

Butt lift surgery is usually performed on those with large amounts of loose, hanging skin on the buttocks and back of the upper thighs. It may also improve the appearance of cellulite. Its goal is to return the body to a more normal appearance after the loss of skin elasticity due to extreme weight loss or age-related changes.

Although small amounts of fat can be removed along with your excess skin, a butt lift is not intended to remove significant fat deposits. You should be stable at or near your ideal weight before considering a butt lift.

Brazilian Butt Lift

Brazilian butt lift, adds volume to the buttocks using injections of the patient’s own fat to increase projection and create a lifting effect. This should not be confused with the normal butt lift. Excess fat is removed from the hips, abdomen, lower back, or thighs with liposuction, and a portion of this fat is then strategically injected into the buttocks.

A skilled cosmetic surgeon can improve the proportions of the entire lower body with Brazilian butt lift surgery, helping a patient lose fat in common “problem areas” and enhance the buttocks, with results lasting many years.

The shape and proportion of a person’s buttocks are largely determined by genetics; both your skeletal structure and how your body stores fat influence the appearance of the lower body. A healthy diet and exercise can work to achieve a healthy body weight and tone the muscles, but many patients remain unhappy with a “flat” buttocks that lacks shape, despite a healthy lifestyle.

Brazilian butt lift surgery can help overcome the effects of genetics by reshaping the buttocks and surrounding areas, such as the hips, lower back, and thighs. You might consider a Brazilian butt lift to:

  • Enhance the curves of your lower body
  • Reduce fat pockets on your hips, thighs or belly while adding fullness to the buttocks
  • Help clothing fit more attractively
  • Give a more youthful, aesthetically pleasing shape to flat buttocks
  • Enhance your overall proportions by improving balance between your upper and lower body

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