Face Thinning


Chubby cheeks are cute in kids, but can make some adults look overweight or jowly.If you are the one who is not happy with your face than face thinning is the answer

Buccal Lipectomy:

The goal of buccal fat removal is to thin the cheeks, specifically in the area of the cheek hollows. Although a face that is naturally soft and filled out is considered youthful, some people find that their face feels too full, even chubby.A buccal fat removal removes the buccal fat pad, a naturally-occurring pad of fat in the cheek hollow area. The size of the buccal fat pad varies with each individual patient, and the buccal fat pad in each cheek may be different sizes.

In this minor surgery, the plastic surgeon makes a small incision inside the cheek and removes a gumball-sized chunk of fat. This causes the cheek hollows to contour inward, improving the jowly or "chipmunk cheek" look.

Liposuction Face Thinning

The procedure entails removing facial fat using a suction method through small incisions made near the areas where changes need to be made. Also fatty tissue deposited in the neck, cheeks and chin are usually the most common targets of Liposuction.


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