
“Be glad your nose is on your face”

These are the famous lines of James Prelutsky, but only if this would have been enough. Nose often plays a major role in defining the facial structure and is hence the most highlighted and noticeable feature of our facial appearance. If we aren’t satisfied with it, it could make us feel uncomfortable during a face-to-face interaction with anyone. It could be in any shape, be it crooked or has a bump or dent or is just too long, there exist ways in which you could enhance and work on the shape of the nose.


Rhinoplasty commonly referred to as a nose job is asurgery on the nose to change its shape or improve its function.

It can be done for medical reasons -- such as to correct breathing problems related to the nose or correct disfigurement resulting from trauma or birth defects.

It can also be done for cosmetic reasons, which will change the nose's shape and appearance.

Deciding on a Nose Job

If you are thinking about getting a nose job,keep in mind that there is no such thing as a perfect nose. Surgery, though, can enhance facial features and emphasize your unique and natural beauty. A plastic surgeon can describe the facial features that make you unique and tell you how changes would enhance your appearance.

The surgeon will evaluate the structures of your nose and other facial features. After this evaluation, he or she can tell you if your expectations are realistic.

The surgeon will also consider your overall health and should discuss with you the risks, recovery time, and costs involved.

There are various techniques for reshaping the nose. Once you decide to go ahead, your surgeon should describe exactly what he or she proposes to do.


A nose job is usually done as an outpatient procedure, meaning there is no overnight stay. You'll get general or local anesthesia. With general anesthesia, you'll sleep through the operation. With local anesthesia, you will be sedated and your nose will be numbed so you are relaxed and unable to feel the pain.

During an operation, the surgeon makes cuts within the nostrils. In more difficult cases, the surgeon may also make cuts across the base of the nose. The surgeon then reshapes the inner bone and cartilage to produce a more pleasing appearance.

Nose Job Recovery

After a nose job, people usually wear a nasal splint for the first week. You can expect swelling and some bruising around the eyes after surgery that will begin to improve after the third day. It can, though, last up to two weeks.

Expect your nose to have a little swelling, which probably only you and your surgeon will notice. This will go away over the next few days. The final shape of your nose will be apparent after it has completely healed.

Rhinoplasty through Neurotoxins and Fillers

With the advent of newer injectables with less immunogenicity and greater longevity, nonsurgical rhinoplasty has become a viable alternative to surgery. Several rhinoplasty surgeons have used fillers in the nose for many years, seeing the value of an injectable agent that is capable of precisely smoothing out irregularities and asymmetries in the nose following cosmetic rhinoplasty.With the relatively recent availability of a variety of filler materials, the popularity of these injectables has grown exponentially throughout this decade.


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